Welcome dear visitor!

A warm welcome to the website of Felix Plöger. I hope that this website will give you a little impression of my life and what I am doing.

Why 'Felix Techie'?

The reason why I use 'Techie' for the domain is just that this makes the international communication much easier. For a long time 'Techie' was the lastname of my administrative account when I was with ReactionGrid Inc. Using this little trick nobody had to fight with the typically German umlaut (ä,ü,ö). Now after my lovely time with the team of ReactionGrid is over, those that I met in that specific period still remember me as 'Techie' and additionally to that 'Techie' pretty much matches what my life is like.

Feel free to use my German lastname whenever you would like, I do not mind if you might pronounce the wrong way, what matters is the will and the attempt. However, if you feel more comfortable with 'Techie' as my lastname and got to know me that way, that is absolutely fine as well.

So basically this trick helps me a bit with the international communication and avoids misunderstandings and errors. It is not a statement about my opinion about the German lastname 'Plöger', just a way to tear down some barriers!

Why the Ascii-Owl?

Let's disregard the negative attributes that are assigned to owls in different religions and communities and stick with the positive attribute of wisdom. Additionally to this hinting towards my scientific mind the owl in its ascii representation also creates a link between the first attribute and my activities in the area of computer science and internet communication technology, but there is more than computers which I am interested in. I am active in different science areas, mostly through my various hobbies.

The owl also symbolizes my tendency towards night activity